Selected Recordings
Click on album artwork for links and more info
Devoted to solo clarinet music recorded in New York City’s Academy of Arts and Letters
Rothenberg's Quintet for Clarinet and Strings with the Mivos Quartet
Rothenberg's first cd devoted completely to his compostions for the shakuhachi
Ned Rothenberg's Sync with Mark Feldman - Violin, Erik Friedlander - cello
Evan Parker/Ned Rothenberg Live at Roulette (includes a musical cryptic puzzle and an ipod ready video from the concert)
The premier release on Ned's new label Animul is a double-cd of solo works
Sync's 2nd release, on Animul
The Fell Clutch with Tony Buck, Stomu Takeishi and Tronzo
In Cahoots with Sylvie Courvoisier, piano and Mark Feldman, violin
Rothenberg, guitarist Uchihashi Kazuhisa and percussion/sample player Samm Bennett
Historic solo work from the '80s remastered with new bonus material
Min Xiao-Fen, Riley Lee, Satoshi Takeishi & Erik Friedlander
With Dave Douglas, Mark Dresser, Mark Feldman, Glen Velez, Erik Friedlander, Josh Roseman, Mike Sarin, Ruth Siegler, Kenny Berger
Live recording with Vladimir Volkov in Moscow Duo Music for Nicolai Dmitriev
Ned Rothenberg and pianist Masahiko Sato in a duo recordings, Now available outside Japan
Parting, the 3rd and final Double Band CD on Moers featuring the late, great, Thomas Chapin
With Jerome Harris and Samir Chatterjee
Duo with Evan Parker
Studio collaboration with Paul Dresher Anthony Jackson, Mark Dresser, Bobby Previte and Samm Bennett
With Thomas Chapin, Chris Wood, Jerome Harris, Billy Martin and Jim Black
Double Band's 1st CD with Thomas Chapin, Kermit Driscoll, Jerome Harris, Billy Martin and Adam Rudolph
Solos and Duos with the legendary Slava Ganelin
Selected solo wind works
With Robert Dick and J. D. Parran
With Sainkho
With Denman Maroney's Hyperpiano
With Robert Dick and Herb Robertson
Live Trio while you were out with vocalist Catherine Jauniaux and bassist Barre Phillips
With Peter A. Schmid and Mattias Ziegler on Creative Works
With Peter A. Schmid on Creative Works
For those who love minutia, here is a complete discography from 1979-2010 put together by Patrice Roussel.